Variety number (referring to VIVC): 23890
Common crop name - utilization: wine grape
Berry color: green
Taxonomy: Vitis vinifera Linné subsp. vinifera
Sex of the flower: H
Italian Catalogue code: no
Identification references
Identification (In European Vitis Database: TRUENESS_TO_TYPE): no reference
Confirmation by ampelography: no
Confirmation by SSR-markers: no
Questionable variety (in Grapegen06): no
Breeding data
Morphological data
OIV 1 - Young shoot: opening of the shoot tip: 5 - fully open
OIV 3 - Young Shoot: intensity of anthocyanin coloration on prostrate hairs of tip: 1 - none or very low, 3 - low
OIV 4 - Young Shoot: density of prostrate hairs on tip: 3 - low
OIV 6 - Shoot: attitude (before tying): 3 - semi-erect, 5 - horizontal
OIV 7 - Shoot: color of dorsal side of internodes: 2 - green and red, 3 - red
OIV 8 - Shoot: color of ventral side of internodes: 1 - green
OIV 16 - Shoot: number of consecutive tendrils: 1 - two or less
OIV 51 - Young leaf: color of the upper side of blade (4 th leaf): 4 - copper-reddish
OIV 53 - Young leaf: density of prostrate hairs between main veins on lower side of blade (4th leaf): 5 - medium
OIV 67 - Mature leaf: shape of blade: 2 - wedge shaped
OIV 68 - Mature leaf: number of lobes: 3 - five
OIV 70 - Mature leaf: area of anthocyanin coloration of main veins on upper side of blade: 2 - only at the petiolar point, 3 - up to the 1st bifurcation
OIV 72 - Mature leaf: goffering of blade: 1 - absent or very weak
OIV 74 - Mature leaf: profile of blade in cross section: 1 - flat, 4 - revolute
OIV 75 - Mature leaf: blistering of upper side of blade: 3 - weak
OIV 76 - Mature leaf: shape of teeth: 3 - both sides convex
OIV 79 - Mature leaf: degree of opening / overlapping of petiole sinus: 3 - open
OIV 80 - Mature leaf: shape of base of petiole sinus: 1 - U-shaped
OIV 081-1 - Mature leaf: teeth in the petiole sinus: 1 - none
OIV 081-2 - Mature leaf: petiole sinus base limited by veins: 1 - not limited
OIV 083-2 - Mature leaf: teeth in the upper lateral sinuses: 1 - none
OIV 84 - Mature leaf: density of prostrate hairs between the main veins on lower side of blade: 3 - low
OIV 87 - Mature leaf: density of erect hairs on main veins on lower side of blade: 3 - low
OIV 94 - Mature leaf: depth of upper lateral sinuses: 3 - shallow
OIV 151 - Flower: sexual organs: 3 - fully developed stamens and fully developed gynoecium
OIV 202 - Bunch: length (peduncle excluded): 5 - medium
OIV 204 - Bunch: density: 5 - medium, 7 - dense
OIV 206 - Bunch: length of peduncle of primary bunch: 3 - short, 5 - medium
OIV 208 - Bunch: shape: 2 - conical
OIV 209 - Bunch: number of wings of the primary bunch: 3 - three or four wings
OIV 220 - Berry: length: 5 - medium
OIV 221 - Berry: width: 5 - medium
OIV 223 - Berry: shape: 2 - globose, 3 - broad ellipsoid
OIV 225 - Berry: color of skin: 1 - green yellow
OIV 231 - Berry: intensity of flesh anthocyanin coloration: 1 - none or very weak
OIV 235 - Berry: firmness of flesh: 1 - soft
OIV 236 - Berry: particularity of flavor: 1 - none
OIV 241 - Berry: formation of seeds: 3 - complete
Agronomical features
SSR profile
SSR locus VvMD5: N+4, N+14
SSR locus VvMD7: N+16, N+32
SSR locus VvMD25: N+4, N+4
SSR locus VvMD27: N+14, N+14
SSR locus VvMD28: N+28, N+52
SSR locus VvMD32: N+15, N+37
SSR locus VvS2: N+10, N+16
SSR locus VrZAG62: N+14, N+20
SSR locus VrZAG79: N+14, N+14
Albarola di Lavagna / ITA360-836